If I had a nickel...
for every time someone said, "if I had a nickel", I'd have just enough nickels to ping everyrubbernecker in the back of the neck with a sling-shot. I don't want to kill them (jk), I just want them to think twice about stopping on the highway to gawk at whatever roadside attraction has caused them to back up traffic for 20 miles. Although, if there was a leprechaun impaled on a unicorn on the side of the road, I'd probably stop too, but that's the ONLY exception.
If my plan works, their necks will be too sore to turn and stare with glazed eyes. The nickel should also leave a permanent Jefferson imprint on their neck - like a scarlet letter - so others can mock them in public. They can keep their nickel as a reminder. You're welcome!
I know what you're thinking: "But, Warren, that sounds cruel." You know what that tells me? You're one of them! Otherwise, you'd be slinging nickels right beside me. You're also probably one of those awesome drivers that crosses over a turning lane instead of turning from within it. Nice job!
I'm only bringing this up in hope that you won't have any of these issues on your way to Golden Belttonight for 3rd Friday from 6-9pm. I will have several photos on display as well as several pieces from my Talkboard series (chalkboard writings) which will also be on exhibit at Artspace in October. I will have all of the images on my site before then. I also have 5 stuffed animal photos currently on display at Artspace as well.
There are so many things to see in Durham tonight you better see something or else I will. One must see Jeff Bell's exhibition at Spectre Arts - across the street from Golden Belt. GB has several (7?) new artists that arrived this month. This isn't you grandmother's GB! Unless she's been there in the past week.
If you pay attention to the images below, you might notice there is a lack of color. Do not adjust your monitor or it might explode.
"Note To Self #1"
acrylic and pastel on masonite
36x24 in.
"Night, Night, Blank Pages #1"
"Night, Night, Blank Pages #2"