This is the third canvas in the new series. (I'm pretty sure I hate the second one so I'm not going to post it. I might set it on fire and film it.) This painting was inspired by another piece I did back in 2002, my first year of painting, called Thinking of You (below). That was also the first painting I ever sold ($125) and it was sold online from my email list. (Thanks Eric!)
I didn't set out to copy Thinking of You when I started this new piece other than knowing it would be blue on blue and I would use similar brush marks. When I finished Marbles I thought the two might look much more similar than they actually do. Some ideas do improve with age. Don't get me wrong, I still love Thinking of you, I just like to think that my work has improved over the past nine years.
I Lost My Marbles turned out to be the catalyst for the new direction I would take for the next several pieces in the series.