2011 Open Studio Tour update

Thanks to everyone who came out for the tour last weekend. I had a record attendance of 150 visitors. This is the final weekend so come and see my newest works if you get a chance. I’ll have brownies. Cheers!

Saturday: 10-5pm
Sunday: 12-5pm

Directions: 203 Burlage Circle, Chapel Hill, NC

Five of twelve canvases on display and 26 paintings all together.

Five of twelve canvases on display and 26 paintings all together.

(The Fiesta ware is not for sale.)

(The Fiesta ware is not for sale.)

2011 Open Studio Tour

It's that magical time of year again. The Orange County Artists' Guild Open Studio Tour starts this weekend and continues the following weekend. I've once again gutted my house and turned it into a gallery space (good times).

I'll have around twelve new canvases and other paintings on display. I also have two new ceramic tile designs, journals, note cards, puzzles, magnets, etc. (Just a reminder, the Tour is at my house in Chapel Hill and not my studio in Durham.) There are also 74 artists participating this year (in their own studios of course). http://www.orangecountyartistsguild.com/

Studio Tour dates: Nov. 5th & 6th Nov. 12th & 13th

Saturdays 10:00 - 5:00 Sundays 12:00 - 5:00

Get directions: 203 Burlage Circle, Chapel Hill, NC

Hope you can make it! Cheers! Warren