Confusionism progression - 1
Confusionism progression - 2
Confusionism progression - 3
"Confusionism", acrylic on linen, 44x44 in.
Confusionism progression - 1
Confusionism progression - 2
Confusionism progression - 3
"Confusionism", acrylic on linen, 44x44 in.
"Discombobulated", acrylic on canvas, 18x18 in.
"Discombobulated", acrylic on canvas, 24x24 in. The NCMA has selected this painting to be auctioned for their annual fundraiser. I'm happy to contribute to a worthy institution and am honored to have been selected. For more information:
NCMA Art of the Auction, 2012 - Warren Hicks
NCMA preview party, April 30, 2012
"Heavy Petting Zoo", acrylic on linen, 36x36 in.
Still tacked to the wall waiting to be stretched.
I paint with the canvas flat on the wall. I stretch them after the painting is finished which allows the image to wrap around the stretcher frame.
"A Puddle of Befuddlement", acrylic on linen, 36x36 in.
This painting was featured on the local NBC program "My Carolina Today" in the "Chick Chat" segment on Jan.31, 2012 . It aired immediately after the "Today" show. They introduced the painting, asked if I worked for Dr. Seuss after saying the title and announced the opening of my solo exhibition at Art Space. I would like to thank Art Space for making this happen!!
"The Fusion Confusion Illusion", acrylic on linen, 18x18 in.
This is the link to the previously mentioned program. NBC- My Carolina Today WARNING! This show is painfully cheesy so you can skip past the first 63 seconds to get to the 48 second clip about the painting. If you love cheesy shows then you're in for a special treat! I'm not complaining though. It was great exposure and the painting remained on the set for a week!
new paintings waiting to be stretched.
My arm's out of focus!
"Brouhaha", acrylic on linen, 44x44 in.
Chasing Lights Shadow - stage one
Chasing Light's Shadow - pre-stretched
Chasing Light's Shadow, acrylic on linen, 44x44 in.
Old Faithful
This is the brush that I've used for most of this entire series of new paintings. It has been in use off and on for over 9 years. This image was taken a few months ago so the brush is even a little more worse for wear. I've started breaking in some new brushes but this one will always have a special place in my heart. It's only a mater of a few short weeks before I'll have to send it off to brush heaven. The technique I've been using for this series requires the crappiest brushes I can find.
Balderdash, 18x18 in., acrylic on linen
Little Bo Peeping Tom
acrylic on linen, 36x36 in.
It's over! This year's Tour brought 238 visitors to my house to see my new work. That is a new record. Last year I had 164! The weather was perfect so that might be a big contributing factor. I thoroughly enjoyed see so many new faces and all of the great conversations I had with visitors. Time to start preparing for next year. Just kidding. I always wait until the last minute. So now it's time to start procrastinating.
Thanks to everyone who came out for the tour last weekend. I had a record attendance of 150 visitors. This is the final weekend so come and see my newest works if you get a chance. I’ll have brownies. Cheers!
Saturday: 10-5pm
Sunday: 12-5pm
Directions: 203 Burlage Circle, Chapel Hill, NC
Five of twelve canvases on display and 26 paintings all together.
(The Fiesta ware is not for sale.)
It's that magical time of year again. The Orange County Artists' Guild Open Studio Tour starts this weekend and continues the following weekend. I've once again gutted my house and turned it into a gallery space (good times).
I'll have around twelve new canvases and other paintings on display. I also have two new ceramic tile designs, journals, note cards, puzzles, magnets, etc. (Just a reminder, the Tour is at my house in Chapel Hill and not my studio in Durham.) There are also 74 artists participating this year (in their own studios of course).
Studio Tour dates: Nov. 5th & 6th Nov. 12th & 13th
Saturdays 10:00 - 5:00 Sundays 12:00 - 5:00
Get directions: 203 Burlage Circle, Chapel Hill, NC
Hope you can make it! Cheers! Warren
studio view - Oct 10, 2011
"Fear of Loathing", acrylic on linen, 36x36 in.
"Clairvoyant Billboards", acrylic on linen 36x36 in.
"Nouning Around In the Verb Garden"
acrylic on linen, 36x36 in.
I submitted this painting to the Visual Art Exchange for a juried show entitled "White." It was accepted and won the 3rd Place award. YAY!
studio - Oct. 4, 2011
"Almost Infinity"
acrylic on linen, 36x36 in.
My studio at Golden Belt, Durham, NC
The studio cleaned and organized for the 3rd Friday Art Walk. The four paintings in the corner are the newest and I don't have any good photos of them individually yet. All of the canvases are 36x36 in., acrylic on canvas.
My studio at Golden Belt, Durham, NC
My studio at Golden Belt, Durham, NC